Sunday, September 22, 2019

Neon Toes

Recently I was at a gas station in a strange-to-me part of Salt Lake City refueling my rental car before returning it. A neon light in a window across the street intrigued me because it was almost too hard to read. While staring and staring at it, I made out the word 'Toes'. Toes? That's an odd word for a neon sign. It got me laughing! Who advertises toes for their business? What could they possibly be doing? Pedicures? Toe-sucking? Selling toe-socks? Or maybe it was an acronym for a secret club that meets there, like 'Tyrannical Ogres with Elfin Sisters', 'Truly Obstinate but Egalitarian Siblings', Thick Oceanic Eel Schools', 'Totally OK Ebony Saints', 'Tenacious Ogres of Elegant Sincerity', or 'Talking Often with Epic Silliness'.

As I drove away from the gas station I got a clearer view of the neon sign, and the word was a lot more mundane than I imagined. It simply displayed 'Taxes'.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Prayer for lonely people

Dear God, guide me to the places where my people are, enable me to recognize them, and empower me to interact with them. Amen.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

In the beginning was the Word ... (Affirmations and the Bible)

I had an interesting new realization this morning.

The first four verses of the Gospel Book of John state:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

I always thought (and most people seem to think) that these verses refer to Jesus. It occurs to me that they also refer to the power of affirmations. Since we are made in God's image and likeness, then our thoughts and words flow from God and create our life and influence the lives of those around us. The truer we can make our thoughts and words align to our true being and essence, the more valid and aligned our life will become.

May your thoughts and your words and affirmations lead you to live a life that is truer to your divine essence, that is abundant, and that thrives in the grace of God.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Answers to historian Yuval Harari's question about 'useless humans' in the future

In the TED Talk byYuval Harari: "Techno-Religions and Silicon Prophets", Yuval raises the question about what happens when we discover that most humans become useless with the rise of computers and robots that are smarter and much more capable at any task than humans.

In a nutshell, computers need to be set to the task of continuing to explore the question of human value. Humans have many more capabilities and undeveloped depth than we give ourselves credit for, and as we are led to explore that depth and develop these capabilities, it may be that we develop a symbiosis with machines rather than get replaced by them. Our lifestyles could be much different as a result, however,.

To survive, humans have evolved a plethora of capabilities that are each used in small measure to create maintainable living conditions. Watching and listening for threats, using tools to sculpt what we need, various expressions for social interactions, and much more are used efficiently and sparingly to create the currently ideal living conditions.

As surviving has become easier, and the fulfillment of our needs has taken less and less effort, some people have explored these capabilities in more depth and evolved their uses. What may have started out as a gutteral dirge evolved into beautiful performances of music and dance. What was once a rock hit on stone to smash and tenderize hunted game became hammers used to build ships and cars and houses and planes. Seeing far into the distance by squinting evolved into microscopes and telescopes that far extend our abilities to explore the known universe.

Societal organization has evolved tremendously as well. Manipulation and power struggles have evolved into a law-based social cooperation. Psychological understandings and usages have deepened. Sales and negotiation techniques are continuously evolved to treat people with dignity and to work to get around their objections to a sale.

Each of these areas can continue to improve and evolve and improve human society, as long as people are needed to create and maintain that society.

One area of promise that is overlooked and belittled by humanity currently is their ability to 'sense and work with subtle energies'. This includes prayer and the ability to work 'miracles', and the existence of resonances, where the imaginative capabilities of people can be used to clarify and refine ideas until they feel really good, and really true. With computers becoming more and more able to read and determine people's mental and emotional states, and even becoming matchmakers (as Yuval has suggested), computers may also be called upon to match up groups of people to work through various questions and problems. In other words, find new ways to 'network' people for solving big, intractable problems.

It is known that some people have telekinetic abilities as well as psychic abilities and the ability to 'travel' and 'see' across time. It may be possible to find ways to encourage and build these capabilities within groups of people working together as a group mind, each providing their own talents to the group. And computers can collect data on these human experiences and, together with humans, invent new uses for these abilities.

The possibilities are limitless.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Nodal stresses

Recently I had the unfortunate experience of living through a square between the Full Moon and my natal Lunar Nodes. What this means is that the Full Moon of January 23, 2016 at 3 Aquarius-Leo was at exact 90 degree angles to the North and South Nodes in my personal chart at 3 Scorpio-Taurus.

(Adding to this is transiting Mars sextile natal Mars, transiting Pluto sesquiquadrate natal Pluto and semi-square Sun, and transiting Jupiter-North Node quincunx natal Moon.)


From about two days before till three days after the Full Moon, I felt tormented and jittery, as if being terribly taunted. Of course, this wasn't the case. Outwardly things went quite smoothly. My wife was extra kind, I fulfilled my obligations okay to home and work. I even got a good massage and went to a hot springs for a soak. But my emotions were on trigger, I felt like I was holding back an explosion of temper. And I so terribly wanted to do different things from my normal life, like make a long trip to my land in Nevada, like work on project ideas that have that really require some significant funding, like talk and laugh and dance the night away with some frivolous friends. Since I didn't plan any of these activities for this time, none of it happened. And I lived raw and on edge internally.

Meditating at the time of the Full Moon didn't help with my jittery-ness, in fact, it amplified it. Don't get me wrong, I love meditating at the Full and New Moon times. Yet I find that I filled up with earth and cosmic energies to such a degree that I was unable to have more than superficial composure in social situations. This doesn't always happen in my lunar meditations, but it sure happened big-time now. A teacher once expressed that when filling up with earth and cosmic energies, it is important to have a channel for them to express, otherwise they can be internally destructive. I think that means that the energies can wreak havoc for the person - getting them into trouble with others, and causing personality pain, emotional loss, and defeating beliefs. As for me, I think that my blogging and my astrology studies for others acted as a channel for the energies I took in this time, as well as running at the gym. Yet it probably wasn't enough.

The theme for the previous New Moon meditation was about living with Guides. The guides and angels help with overseeing our lives, keeping us safe, showing us our next steps, and bringing us knowledge, information, and experiences when we ask truly for them. Perhaps the recent Full Moon time for me was a lesson in not being connected enough with the Guides, and in not asking for direction in adequately using and channeling the energies I had collected. Hmmm. Life is about learning, yes? This is good.

I'd love to read your comments!

Monday, October 19, 2015


Today I recommended that a colleague call on Zoroaster when frustrated during his work. He liked the idea!  For the rest of the afternoon, swearing consisted of Zorro!!  Zorro!!

It would make a case for the gods being real in the old days, if, in your frustration, you said "Zorro!", and you heard "What?".

Now, say that calling 'Zorro' in frustration became popular. Well then, perhaps, while people are having near death experiences, they might observe Jesus and Zoroaster elbowing each other to be the center of attention for the person rising through the tunnel of light!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Kim Kardashian Kwotes

Here are a few quotes said to be by Kim Kardashian. These are the words of a young lady who is growing up in a public spotlight that she has magnetized to herself and developed.

"I can't instagram pics of me wearing jewelry or cute things because my mom always shows up in the same exact thing right after!"

"Rock those beautiful curves, ladies!"

You're prettiest when you're happy!

Everyone that knows me knows that I'm a hopeless romantic! I love with all of my heart and soul. 

Count your blessings. Develop an attitude of gratitude.

You've got to just do what's right for you, even if it doesn't make sense to someone else!

Worrying will never change the outcome.

Don't make the mistake of comparing yourself to others. If God wanted you to have their exact gifts, He would have given them to you!

Sex & the City never gets old!!!! Still obsessed!

How do you spell tanorexic anyway? Tannerexic? Tannorexic? Is this even a real word?

No matter how long you've had a dream, it can still come true if you persevere.

I do know that I have to follow my heart. I never had the intention of hurting anybody and I accept full responsibility for my actions and decisions, and for taking everyone on this journey with me.

"I get I live a public life. I live my life on a reality show for the world to see. I love my life, but when the cameras stop, that doesn't mean I don't want a break too. I'm 32 yrs old now, about to be a mom. I'm not 25 clubbing around LA anymore. There's no excuse for threats & stalking!"

Happiness is a choice...join team happy and get off team hater! Who even has all that time to hate!?!

"I wouldn't let the paps get a pic of me today & they threatened my life & said if I continue to block shots then they will make my world dangerous to live in! How dare they threaten my life & my unborn child! This has gotten way out of control!"

Sometimes you just have to let people grown up on their own. Even if you know what's best for them. They will look back and realize their mistakes.

Its so frustrating watching someone close to you make all the wrong choices and decisions...but I guess you need to sit back and let them learn.

I've been trying to change my bad eating habits, slow process but its working. I feel so much better! Sugar, dairy and gluten free. HARD!

Everyone that knows me knows that I'm a hopeless romantic! I love with all of my heart and soul. I want a family and babies and a real life so badly that maybe I rushed in to something too soon.

First and foremost, I married for love. I can't believe I even have to defend this. I would not have spent so much time on something just for a TV show!

I don't need a relationship to define who I am.

These quotes were found at