Friday, July 31, 2015

4th day without coffee

It's slowly dawning on me that coffee may be poison for the kidneys.

So many mornings I wake up with bags under my eyes, they look quite ugly, actually, and I've been trying to get my head around why they're there for a long time.  They last anywhere from a half an hour to all day long. I had been in the habit of drinking two to five cups of coffee a day to keep awake and alert at work and after work. It always helped, but I always had the inevitable energy crash.
And when I drink alcohol, the baggy eyes symptom is even worse the next morning. And the moods, oh my!  Well, I only seldom drink, so that's not that much of a problem for me.

So this week, I decided to treat coffee like a kidney poison and just don't drink it!  Oh, I miss the hot bitter taste, sweetened with stevia. I miss the comfort-food aspect of it, as well as the brain cell perkup I get out of it.

But you know what, my baggy eyes are looking better and better in the mornings.  I think I'm doing a kidney detox! And I'm not having energy crashes!

But I am suffering afternoon sleepiness, and I have to jog my brain into action in the morning - that's somewhat hard.  There's always a price to pay!  Let's see how this coffee fast goes - how long I'll do it, and what the effects will be.

I'm pretty concerned with my sense of priorities - where it's important for me to apply my energies. I feel like that's evolving, I just don't know how it's going to turn out. Let's see!